What's Love Got To Do With It? at Usher Hall

Show Performances

Saturday 28th June 7:30 pm
£20.00 to £35.00
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What's Love Got To Do With It? at Usher Hall in Edinburgh
What's Love Got To Do With It? will be performing at Usher Hall
Other shows at Usher Hall
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Enjoy What's Love Got To Do With It? at Usher Hall. A genuine reason to have a night out in Edinburgh - What's Love Got To Do With It? is coming to town and will be entertaining at the one of a kind Usher Hall.
With countless numbers of show fans in Edinburgh and from other places wanting to attend Usher Hall, be sure you get a ticket now rather than tomorrow so you can prevent disappointment. Don’t miss out on this fantastic night!
The What's Love Got To Do With It? has been a hit everywhere, so this time around in Edinburgh it is sure to be a brilliant performance.

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